On this page, I share art projects I have been working on with scientists, NGOs, museums and institutions on topics surrounding climate change.

I have received funding from the Data for Children Collaborative with UNICEF for a diptych on how children are affected by climate change. With the funding, in 2023, I proposed to the National Museum of Scotland to create a community quilt on how children are affected by climate change and their hopes for the future. With the Museum and Dr. Sian Henley of the University of Edinburgh, we are engaging children and families throughout the UK to create a National Children’s Climate Quilt. This project is currently underway and not yet completed, stay tuned!

Link to the project on the National Museum of Scotland’s website can be found here.

 Below, Grant-funded painting by Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) on climate impacts on the Arctic. 2022, 100cm x 210cm oil on canvas. Currently hanging at the Glasgow Science Centre in Glasgow, UK.

Information and a soundbite about the project can be found on the Glasgow Science Centre’s website here.

An article on the project in Glasgow Times can be found here.

Below, my painting of Holyrood Park in Edinburgh Scotland was chosen by Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) for the cover of a book on Scottish green space in 2021. The book was handed out to dignitaries at COP26, and also at a film screening for David Attenborough’s documentary Wild Isles.

The project can be found on WWF’s website here.

In the below, I co-created and painted a mural with Quechua students at their school in Cusco, Peru with the NGO Mosqoy. The mural images, chosen by the students, represent some of their traditions, cultural heritage, religion, cultural resilience and environmental concerns.

Mosqoy posted a Facebook update on the progress of the mural in 2021. In the post I can be seen drawing the mural out as the students watched and asked for different symbols and objects to be added. The NGO Mosqoy, the students and I brainstormed together on the mural, and I made the initial drawing on the 3 walls in their presence, receiving instruction as I drew. That post can be found here.

Below are two projects I did in collaboration with climate scientists with a focus on the Arctic. The first was funded by the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) fund in 2024.

An article by Royal Observatory of Belgium on the second painting, which I collaborated on with one of their Astrophysicists, Dr Thibault Merle in 2023, can be found here.

I found and painted a wooden sailboat for Extinction Rebellion (XR) in New York City (NYC). XR continues to use the boat in parades and activities around NYC to bring awareness to the climate crisis.

I also found two sailboats and chose to paint them neon green to block traffic in Times Square; demanding more policy changes from the government to protect our world from human-induced global warming. I organized volunteers to help with the painting and am proud of our stenciling and lettering on the boats, and I love the colour I chose. I would not use civil disobedience as a form of non-violent protest now, but at that time (2019) in my climate activist evolution, I did.

An article on the Times Square protest with my neon green boat can be found in the Daily Mail here.